by Sandy McCauley | Aug 22, 2008 | Design Master, KNK, Shortcuts
Carolyn in Australia posted the other day and also emailed me privately to find out if I was aware of what happens when you RIGHT click on one of the 9 boxes of a selected image in KNK Studio or Design Master. She had discovered that a pop-up menu appears with lots of useful options. She didn’t remember reading about this in the User Manual and wondered if everyone else was aware of it.
The answer is yes… I was aware of it and no… it’s not in the User Manual! I remember being very disappointed that the options to Copy and Paste images were not part of that pop-up menu, as you often find in other programs and when I first discovered this in the early weeks of using KNK Studio, I basically just dismissed this Right click function for that reason.
Now that I’m looking at it again,

I think I should have made a bigger deal of this menu. Note that some of the useful functions that are otherwise buried in the menus, can be readily available to use with this Right click option. Specifically, it’s nice seeing the options for Array, Edit (takes you into node editing mode), Start Sequence by Vector (controlling the order in which objects will cut), Blank Size, Mirror, and Rotate.
So, try using this over the course of the next few weeks and you may find it to be a rather handy addition to your regular use of the software!
Thanks, Carolyn, for posting about this! 🙂
by Sandy McCauley | Aug 17, 2008 | Free Videos, Power Weed
If you plan to cut large items from vinyl, then today’s post will definitely be of interest to you.
Power Weed is a function in KNK Studio which allows allows you to sort of “chop up” the waste part of your vinyl for easier removal. This is important because (1) you do have to remove the waste first from the backing sheet, leaving your cut letters or images and (2) if you’re not careful, the waste vinyl might flip over onto your nicely cut images and stick!
So, have a look at today’s video and let me know if you have any questions!
Power Weed in KNK Studio
by Sandy McCauley | Aug 15, 2008 | AI Files, Free Videos
Today’s post involves handling .ai files in KNK Studio. Melanie had downloaded a .knk file (from a message board) and the images appeared invisible when she opened it. The reason is that the file originated in Adobe Illustrator and this is not an uncommon occurance. To correct you can simply turn off Show Fill or turn on Show Line Style, as I show in the video. Also I show how to get interior details of an image to turn white and not vanish when you turn on Show Fill.
Hope you learn something new! Modifying AI Files
by Sandy McCauley | Aug 15, 2008 | Cut Order, Free Videos
This post is thanks to Jenny who was trying to cut a series of adjacent rectangles and they were not cutting in order from left to right. Because she’s cutting rather large rectangles from 15″ wide vinyl, this was bothering her. I know that I also never like it when objects will seem to randomly cut from different locations on my 12″ x 12″ cardstock.
Not to worry! There’s a way you can specify the exact order in which items will cut. Watch this!
Controlling Cut Order
by Sandy McCauley | Aug 12, 2008 | Design Master, Free Videos, GRA Files
This post is mostly directed to users of Design Master, however Cute PDF Writer may be of interest to anyone who doesn’t already have a .pdf-creating program. In this video, I show where to download the free Cute PDF Writer application and how to use it in Design Master to print your image to file and then import the resulting .pdf into KNK Studio. This appears to be best way to do this conversion and, once again, I credit a member of UKS for discovering this easy successful method.
Converting GRA to KNK
Note that if you need to convert from .knk to .gra, then exporting as .ai is still the easiest method. Also, note that because .pdf’s will now import into Inkscape 0.46, this may also be of interest to those wanting to share their .gra creations with users of Inkscape who can then either export as .dxf for RoboMaster or save as .svg for Sure Cuts A Lot.