Sorry I’ve not had a chance to post in over a week. Finishing up the user manual for MAXX, helping customers sell their used KNK’s to upgrade to MAXX, and testing new and different materials on MAXX has been keeping me busy from dawn until dusk, literally. Thus, my life has pretty much been all about the new MAXX machine. If you’ve not had a chance to see it, here’s a link: Scrapbook Die Cutter
This latest product in the Klic-N-Kut line of cutters offers almost twice as much cutting force as present in the current Klic-N-Kuts, including the Element. It also comes equipped with three pinch wheels and a laser alignment light for faster easier print and cuts. The new bladeholder seat will adjust to fit just about any pen, bladeholder, or embossing tool you wish to use. And the grit rollers are far more… well… grittier to hold the mat tight and prevent skewing. The first two models being released are the 15″ and the 24″, both due to ship in about 2 weeks.
If you have any questions about the new MAXX line of Klic-N-Kuts, please either post here or email me at sandy@iloveknk.com. Also, if you are interested in buying one of the used KNK’s from one of my customers, also contact me and I can provide information on those. I have all sizes available: 9″, 13″, 15″ and 24″.
Hi Sandy,
I am looking at purchasing the KnK Maxx 24″, however I use a Mac.
Are you able to advise if the KnK Studio Software is available in Mac format yet?
Thanks in advance,
The Maxx can definitely do the job, however, you will still need to do the laser alignment with at least the first sheet. Since you have some room for error due to the contour cut, you can probably set up a process whereby you’ll know exactly where to load each sheet on the cutting mat so that you can just press the Repeat button and repeat the last cut. I’ll email you privately and we can discuss… I can even do some test cutting on your images, if you like, and send you the results.
Hello Sandy,
I want to purchase a KNK maxx 15″ to produce contour cut sticker sheets. basically I have a set of 10 cartoon character that I print on sticker paper. I want this to be semi production. Would the maxx be suitable for this purpose. I want to just repeat the same cut over and over again, and the registration doesn’t have to be spot on but close enough each time that it doesn’t cut into the character. Any help would be appreciated, I was a little concerned about have to align the laser, but then realized i may not have to do that unless I am looking to get an exact cut. Thanks
Well, sort of! lol The way I have mimicked the Letterpress is to do this. Cut your shape from thin chipboard on the KNK. Then sandwich your cardstock between the chipboard and a piece of plumber’s gasket (available in hardware stores). Then run it through your own favorite squishing device: CuttleBug, Epic, whatever, using whatever plates go on the outside of your project materials.
For the Letterpress effect, just ink your chipboard shape before squishing and the ink will be transferred to the cardstock. It worked great in my testing, although I’m sure the method could be improved by some industrious creative-minded owners of our KNK’s! : )
My thanks to Kelly Daggett for showing us the plumber’s gasket method at the KNK Retreat last June. : )
Halo Sandy, is it possible to create letterpress effect with KNK machine?
Yes Sandy, I saw it listed on skatkatz website…
Where do you see it listed? I didn’t realize Accugraphic had it up on any of their web sites yet. Or are you referring to the Australian dealers?
Hi Sandy,
I just saw the latest product of Klic N Kut MAXX 48″. It seems so cool..
Unfortunately, there is no review about it yet..
Can you please inform us what are new functions we can get from it, compare to the older series?
The Scrapbook Lady carries it. She’s in London. You should be able to google and find her web site.
You can draw a circle and then use the Ginsu Knife Tool to cut it in half.
Hi Sandy,
Where can we find KNK Maxx in Europe? It would be great to know.
Best Regards,
I am thinking about purchasing a cutter for home/scrapbooking use. I use CorelDraw and an epilog laser printer at work. Which machine would be similier, and could cut my own vecor art created in Corel?
Very stupid question – how do make half a circle with klic-n-kut ?
Hi Sandy
I am thinking of upgrading from an older model Craft Robo pro. Does the maxx 15 cut GSD files? Do you supply to the UK with the correct electrical connections? Is there a supplier here?
Many thanks
Hi Sally,
Is there specific tips you have on not chipping the Slive blade? As it so easily happens.
Best Regards,
I’d like to know if the KNK device can cut a beveled edge like that used in cutting mat board for custom framing.I would require the blade to cut at a 45% degree angle
I did email you privately… did you not receive it? I sent it June 4… maybe check your spam box? I’ll try sending again from another email address.
I Emailed you back- kindly let me know if you don’t get my email- thanks!
I emailed you privately, Liezel. Email me back at smccauley45@cox.net if you didn’t get my response. We’ll figure out what’s going on… it’s probably just a setting that’s off.
Dear Sandy,PLEASE HELP… My KNK just cuts half the image then stops- or pauses- have tried several USB cords, what can this be?
Yes, you can buy it as Funtime Deluxe. Michelle sells it at http://www.paperthreads.com.
Thanks, Do they sell the Pazzles software seperate?
Yes, if you hav the software to open the Pazzles files…. Pazzles Inspiration Studio or Funtime. Just open the .wpc file in that software and then select the images and save as .ai. Then you can import the .ai file into KNK Studio to save as a .knk file.
Hi Sally,
Thank you for the brilliant help. I have a question, can you convert a Pazzlesfile to a knk cuttable file? Say for example a Cd from Pazzles?
The software has always been Vista 64 compatible. The Groove-E will require the Serial-to-USB converter also sold at http://www.scrapbookdiecutter.com. With that converter attached, the cutter will cut with a Vista 64 computer. π
Hi Sandy,
I was curious to know if there is any update on whether or not the KNK Studio program can now work on 64-bit vista? I saw someone ask earlier about it, and I’m pretty sure I’d like to invest in the KNK Groove-e, but I don’t want to make the purchase unless I knew it could function on 64-bit.
Hi Wong,
Yes, the carrier sheet is the same thing as a cutting mat. Our new Maxx/Groove mats are 13″ x 23″ and quite thick.
The blade holder is a new design for the Maxx and Groove machines, but uses the same cutting blades and drop-in tools as with the silver blade holder.
The multi-use tool holder will hold pens and embossing styluses that you may own. However, with the Maxx and Groove cutters, you can fit most pens and styluses directly into the grip on the machine. Thus the multi-use tool holder is actually used more often by owners of the older KNK’s.
Hi Slau,
No, we do not have a Maxx distributor in Toronto, but we do ship there directly from Florida. If you are interested in purchasing a Maxx, let me know your postal code and I can get you a quote. Sorry for the delay… I’ve been out of town.
Hi Sandy
I’m considering getting the KNK Groove-e. As I’m new to this kind of machines and will be making a mail order, I need to be sure of what I’m getting. So here are a few questions regarding the package.
1) Is the carrier sheet a cutting mat?
2) Is the bladeholder the silver type?
3) What is the multi use tool for?
Best regards
I want to get the KNK Maxx 13″ or 15″. Do you have a distributor in Toronto, Canada?
At this time, you need a Windows emulator, such as BootCamp, with a version of Windows installed, in order to run KNK Studio to cut to a KNK. But definitely check back from time to time to see if this changes.
We have a WONDERFUL distributor in Australia. His name is Fred and his web site is: http://www.skatkatz.com.au/
I’m looking at getting a desktop vinyl-cutting machine, and the KNK looks like it is one of the better units on the market. Is there software available to drive it from Mac OS X?
Also, do you have a distributor in Australia?
Please send me your postal code (if you have one) and I’ll get a price quote to you tomorrow.
id like to know how much would it cost to ship the new Groove and software to the Philippines?
Hi Olisa,
There are several ways to do this in KNK Studio. It has Layers available and you can assign images to these layers and then select them separately for cutting, changing the cutting pressure as needed.
OR… you can double click to select one or more colors from the Job Palette and only the images of those colors will be sent to the cut window. You can do this once with the lower pressure and then select the other colors and send to cut at the higher pressure…
OR… you can send the entire image to the cut preview window and then turn off the colors that will cut, and then score the colors at a lower pressure. Then change the pressure and cut the other colors at the higher pressure.
I usually encourage my customers to try the various options and figure out which one they like best and just use it! There’s really no right or wrong answer… just choices. : )
Thanks, Sandy. Your answers are very helpful to me. As for the KNK software, I would like to know if it allows cutting different layers in a special order with different cutting pressure? For example, I would like to cut a box with fold lines on the first layer (low pressure, blade shall not cut through, just slit the cardstock slightly) followed by cut lines on the second layer (high pressure, blade shall cut through). I have created many designs in AI with different layers and want to ensure that I can use the layers in the KNK software, too.
If I decide to buy the Maxx, I will be happy to refer to your email.
Thanks again for your great help and tutorials!
Regarding Kristine’s question, I’m not sure if it will cut thin silver or not. I will need to test some. Where do you purchase this thickness of silver?
Regarding Olisa’s questions:
1. The laser alignment is not automatic like the optic eye on the Maxx. The advantage to that is there are no failures to read the marks as you are manually setting the three points using the laser light to pin point them. The disadvantage is that you must do it by hand and it takes about a minute and a half to do this registration process.
2. You cannot cut directly from AI to a KNK, however you can either copy/paste your images from AI into the KNK screen to cut or save your files as AI Version 8 to import into KNK Studio.
3. Yes, they do deliver to Germany and just about any other location. If you want the extra personal support I provide my own customers, along with any three of the free videos I sell at http://www.scrapbookdiecutter.com, then email me at smccauley45@cox.net and I will then forward your email to their site and you will be marked as one of my customers when you order your KNK. : )
I have been using the CraftRobo for about two years. I want to buy the MAXX because it has more cutting pressure and can cut thicker material than the CraftRobo. I have the following questions: 1) Is the laser alignment of the MAXX comparable with the optical eye of the CraftRobo? 2) Can I use Adobe Illustrator with the MAXX? 3) Does http://www.scrapbookdiecutter.com deliver to Germany?
I want to find a die cut machine that I can use to cut thin silver-24 or 26 gauge. Does anyone have a suggestion?
This is a top priority item for Accugraphic and I hope to report soon that the KNK will run on a Vista 64 computer. Watch for a future post! π
I want the Klic-n-Cut but run on Vista 64-bit. Looks like the software only works on 32-bit. Anyone had success using on Vista 64-bit? Thanks
Regarding Print and Cuts… it’s faster to do them on the MAXX and the new Groove. The MAXX has a laser light which you position over the reg marks and it’s much easier to see than the tip of a pen. On the Groove you have a pin that you use and it’s located on the front of the grip on the machine and also much easier to see for quicker and more accurate print and cuts. Plus, if you order a machine from me, I will help you by phone with the entire process so that you can master it. The print and cuts I do on the Maxx are dead on.
We don’t have a Canadian dealer for the Maxx, but I have sold the Maxx and Groove to several customers in Canada and I would love to sell to you, as well. I’ll email you privately. π
Hi Sandy, I have a klic-n-kut Element but am interested in the 24inch Maxx. Can you tell me where I might purchase it in Canada and also how easy will it be to do a print and cut. I never was able to figure it out on the Element. Also will the Maxx use the same software as the Element as I already have many files in Klic-n-kut format?
Please contact me at sandy@iloveknk.com and I’m happy to help you find a dealer. For anyone in Europe, you’ll need to use our UK dealer or order directly from http://www.scrapbookdiecutter.com.
agizcgnylzannfblwell, hi admin adn people nice forum indeed. how’s life? hope it’s introduce branch π
Where can we find KNK Maxx in Europe? It would be great to know. For now, only 1-2 UK sites are taking pre-orders.
I am in the market to buy a die cutting machine. I have looked at many different brands. I have narrowed the possibilty down to the Inspiration Pazzle or Creative Cutter Pro Pazzle and the Klic-N-Kut line which I just came across and then found you. Do you know what the major differences are between Pazzle & Klic-N-Kut. I also see you like Maxx over the Element. I don’t want to make the wrong investment. Some of the designs I will be cutting may be massed producced. I have ruled out the Cricut. Hopefully you know a little something about the pazzles so that you can give me an honest answer. I wish I could find a location near me so that I may see these machines in operation. The closest location that I can find is about 3 hours away in NY, NY. If I don’t like the machine I buy, unfortunately, I cannot return it for that particular reason. I hope you can help me find the right machine for me. Thank you in advance for your help.
I would like to buy a great die cutter and it sounds like KNK is the best. I need to know which model to buy (sounds like the new MAXX), where to buy it, and I want to make sure it can take Adobe Photoshop images and cut them out. Thanks