The purpose of this site:
(1) Provide support resources for the following machines:
(2) Provide support resources for the following software programs:
(3) Provide other resources for the following:
I want to thank the following wonderful people for their contributions and hard work to support my business:
• Michael and James McCauley for setting up the downloadable store, adding products, developing store graphics, troubleshooting problems, mailing packages, shopping for supplies, and all the other dozens of tasks that were required to build this business.
• Chad Youngblut for teaching me how to cut and everything he knows about KNK Studio. I also want to thank Chad for rebuilding and continuing to provide tech support for this site.
• Chris Durnan for urging me to start a blog! Great idea, Chris!
If you need to contact me:
Email: smccauley45@cox.net
Facebook/Messenger: My Facebook page