Next Retreat… Raleigh, North Carolina!


Our recent St.Louis KNK Retreat was a big success and one of the attendees, Barbie Creech, has decided to host the next one back home in Raleigh, North Carolina! Just in time for the onset of the holiday season, the theme for this retreat will be Decorating, Entertaining, Celebrating, and Gift Giving with lots of fun project ideas, in combination with Klic-N-Kut classes and demonstrations.

Barbie is currently making the arrangements for the October 23-25 retreat at a 6-month-old Holiday Inn near the airport. She needs to get a general idea of the number of participants interested in coming. The hotel rooms are $79 per night for Friday and Saturday and there is a shuttle from the airport, a large meeting room with floor and wall outlets, 24 hour security for the meeting room (so we can leave our cutters and computers in there overnight), free Internet access, 5 meals and snacks, goodie bags and prizes. Based on 15 attendees, the price will be $375 per attendee and an optional $125 for meals for spouses.  The hotel cost is separate.  Arrangements for vegetarian meals can also be made.

The retreat will be limited to 20 attendees (so that I can provide personal attention to each student).  A deposit of $100 will reserve your spot and installment payments can be made.  Final payment for the retreat will be due September 30. More details about making payments and class descriptions will be posted soon.

If you have any questions about this retreat, please contact Barbie at or me at Hope to see you there!

The 4 Forms of Text in KNK Studio

Thanks to Johanna H, I discovered something new last weekend at the St. Louis KNK Retreat. There are FOUR forms of text versus just three. I have already referred to text as being either “Just Typed”, “Converted to Graphics” or “Having Applied Break Path.” But I found out that ungrouping text provides yet another condition in which the typed title will be broken into individual letters BUT you can still go back to the text Smart Bar on any individual letter. Cool!

Today’s video shows all four forms and their differences.

Now I’m waiting to see if anyone comes up with a 5th! Let us know!

Round Corner and Fillet Round Corner


Today’s video is for Lisa S who was having some issues with the Round Corner and Fillet Round Corner functions in KNK Studio. Round corner can be a little finicky… the default setting of 0.2 for corner radius is way too high. I recommend immediately resetting that to 0.02. That will give you a lot more control over the look of your rounding. Also, you have to do the outer corners and inner corners separately. Fillet Round Corner is more straight-forward. It appears that it picks up the settings from Round Corner automatically. And you can individually click on inner and outer corners without leaving the window and re-entering.

Here’s the video: Round Corner and Fillet Round Corner

Also, I covered Fillet Round Corner in a previous post here for those who missed it. In this video I show how to design a file folder shape using this handy function: Designing a File Folder

As always, post if you have any questions!

MORE Cupcake Wrappers!

Valentine's Cupcake Wrapper by Judy

Valentine's Cupcake Wrapper by Judy

I’ve had more response to the Cupcake Wrapper post from last fall than any other single post at this site. Thus, I’m sharing some photos and files from a very talented and generous Klic-N-Kut designer, Judy Keating. She started with my original base file and took cupcake-wrapper designing  to a whole new level!  She’s been creating new files for several months now and sharing them at the various Klic-N-Kut Yahoo groups I own or moderate. The response to these files has been incredible and, as you can see from the photos below, it’s not surprising.  These are so adorable and they cut beautifully on both the original Klic-N-Kut die cutters and also on the newer KNK Maxx, Groove, and Groove-E machines.  Judy also has given me permisson to share the .knk files here for those of you who would like to download them and cut your own from Klic-N-Kut Studio. 

Thanks so VERY much, Judy, for the time and effort you put into these designs. We eagerly look forward to each new release and I promise the readers of this site to share them again, when Judy has new ones available.

Currently, the cupcake wrapper files can be downloaded from links at this newer post:

Judy’s Cupcake Wrappers in Other Formats

Note that Judy designs them for both full sized cupcakes and mini cupcakes.

Cupcake Wrappers for Valentine's Day and a Floral Pattern2

Cupcake Wrappers for Valentine's Day and a Floral Pattern

Birthday Cupcake Wrapper

Birthday Cupcake Wrapper

St. Patrick's Day Cupcake Wrapper

St. Patrick's Day Cupcake Wrapper

Easter Cupcake Wrappers

Easter Cupcake Wrappers

More Easter Cupcake Wrappers

More Easter Cupcake Wrappers


And another Easter one

And the final in the Easter series

And the final in the Easter series

Cupcake Wrappers for Weddings and Engagements

Cupcake Wrappers for Weddings and Engagements

Mother's Day Cupcake Wrappers

Mother's Day Cupcake Wrappers

Graduation Cupcake Wrappers

Graduation Cupcake Wrappers

Cupcake wrappers to Honor Teachers

Cupcake wrappers to Honor Teachers

And last, but not least... Cupcake Wrappers to honor Nurses...

And last, but not least... Cupcake Wrappers to honor Nurses...

Design your own!

*** New *** Cupcake Wrapper Templates for Designing in KNK, MTC, SVG, EPS, PDF, and Studio formats

(Big thanks to Judy Keating for sharing her designs and to Gayle Galura-Scott for converting to .Studio for the Silhouette owners!)