Now You See It, Now You Don’t!

The Sheet Layer Palette can be used to hide images by assigning images to layers. In the example I show in today’s free video, the images are assigned by color. But you can choose to move any image to any layer you want, according to what works best for your designing purposes. Consider this video to be a Part 1, as I didn’t cover every function and I will probably make a followup video once I get some questions and suggestion from all of you.

The Great Divide

A while back, at one of the many cutter Yahoo groups I scan and read, a member asked how to divide a circle into 7 equal segments (or maybe it was 5?) in “this other cutting software program.” The response to her question was that there wasn’t an easy to do that and just eye-balling it would be the only way. That immediately made me think about whether there was an easy way to do it in KNK Studio… basicially, how do you create the following image:

Well, being a fan of anything mathematical, I had to see if I could figure it out and within a few minutes I had one method… then after thinking about it for awhile, I came up with an easier method. In today’s video I show how to create a circle segment that would represent 1/7 of a whole circle and also how to create the other six and align them to form the above look. Of course, that might not be necessary if you were cutting them from individual colors like the above figure suggests. On the other hand, just in case you do need them properly rotated and arranged, I show that in the video. I failed to show how to recolor each segment, but I’m guessing you can figure out that part on your own. 🙂

Dividing a Circle into Segments

I Love Halloween! Do You?

Today’s free video is a gift to all of you who enjoy decorating for Halloween. I show in this video how to design your own spider web. It’s amazingly easy to do and this method offers total freedom in how uniform or how crazy you want your web to look! I even have an “oops moment” in the video that I decided to just leave in, because it’s something that may happen to you during the design and I wanted you to see how to fix it. 🙂

Designing Your Own Spider Web

As always, let me know if you have any questions!

An Application for Round Corner

One of my customers, Kylee, contacted me with a file of a stick man that she wanted to be able to cut out. She had obtained a file from a friend in Brazil and the image was made up of mostly single lines that wouldn’t actually be cut out pieces if you sent it directly to a cutter. In other words, Kylee needed to go from the figure on the left to the figure on the right.

I show, in today’s video, the complete process used to convert Kylee’s Stick Man, i.e. how to use the Round Corner function in KNK Studio to convert single lines to actual closed shapes that can then be welded together to create a single die cut.

If you’re not into stick people, this same process can be used in other applications, such as designing your own rickrack.
The complete steps for this process are covered in the “36 Tidbits Not in the User Manual” video I sell at: