2008 Olympics: Let’s Make a Flag!

Sorry I’ve been out of touch for so long! It’s been a busy few weeks. Note that my videos are now being hosted at Scrapbook Die Cutter, which, as most of your know, is the creator of the Klic-N-Kut. I will also be selling KNK Studio GE through them, beginning probably tomorrow. I will make an announcement when the link is available.

Now… on to the Olympics! I created a quick video showing how to design and create your own version of the Olympic flag. The fan shape is used to create the rings and makes it SO very easy to create rings that don’t quite touch so that you can interlock them exactly the same way as show on their flag.

Olympic Flag Video

Entering Default Settings in the Tracing Window

If you have accidentally deleted one of your trace settings or if you would like to create a new default, then today’s video will quickly show you how to do that. Here’s the link:

Setting Accuscan Defaults

If you need the settings on any of the listed defaults, here’s a link to a pdf with all of them listed:

Accuscan Default Trace Settings

For information on the meaning of each of these settings, check out Appendix D of the User Manual OR I cover them in my video, entitled: Auto-Tracing.

Decorative Edged Card

Today’s post is for Lynn G who requested a method for making a deckle edge. Even though Lynn posted some samples, I’m not sure I created exactly what she wanted. At first I was trying a random, sort of torn edge look to a card. But after cutting it, I decided that tearing would look a hundred times better than what my free-hand squiggle line produced! lol So, I decided to take a more formal technical approach and use some curves to the pattern and upon cutting, I liked the results. Note that in the video, the final result would look like the card below. So I took the pattern, just dragged the corner to make it MUCH smaller and then created a vertical array with several more copies and created the second look… which is much nicer and more in line with what I think Lynn was looking for (which is the card above). So, while I noted that you could do it in the video, I didn’t show that part, but it’s really quite simple. I’m also uploading the final card in .knk format that I cut and the link to it is below, as well.

Creating a PopUp Card

Today is one of THOSE days! It took me ALL day long to make this video thanks to a dozen interruptions and two dozen silly mistakes! lol But it’s now ready. Here’s the actual card to show the final result:

and then I have both this final card final and a practice file for you to use when viewing the video:

Popup Final File

Popup Practice File

The video to watch is here:

And I created a second one that might make it clearer where those fold lines and cut lines are being placed:

A special acknowledgement to several members at UK Scrappers for coming up with a clever way to position the upper fold line in just the right spot. I borrowed that idea and then came up with my own way of putting in the fold lines using the guidelines in KNK Studio. All of my methods will work the same in Design Master. Also, if you are unfamiliar with welding titles to frames, then master that part in Chapter 4 of the KNK or DM User Manual before starting your own popup card using my tutorial.
For an extra challenge… Recreate the wave of welded flowers…. I’ll explain how I did that on Monday. 🙂

Aperture Card

One of the members of the Design Master Fun Yahoo group needed a reminder of how to create an Aperture card. So, today’s post is a video on this procedure. A few reminders to everyone about this entire process:

(1) You must create a frame from two shapes so that you can do your welding. Now, I kind of made it complicated by using the Transform>Outline tool in the video. You could actually just draw your oval and then draw anything around it… a rectangle, for example. Do the Arrange>Make Path and then later, after welding, delete the outer rectangle. It’s irrelevant what you choose for that outer path since it will later be deleted.

(2) The frame and the interior images must be the same color before welding.

(3) And don’t forget that Arrange>Text to Graphics will break up a typed title so that you can arrange the individual letters in any manner you choose!

Have fun with this! Here’s a link to the video: Aperture Card