by Sandy McCauley | May 14, 2009 | Filet Round Corner, Free Videos, KNK, Polyarc, Round Corner

Today’s video is for Lisa S who was having some issues with the Round Corner and Fillet Round Corner functions in KNK Studio. Round corner can be a little finicky… the default setting of 0.2 for corner radius is way too high. I recommend immediately resetting that to 0.02. That will give you a lot more control over the look of your rounding. Also, you have to do the outer corners and inner corners separately. Fillet Round Corner is more straight-forward. It appears that it picks up the settings from Round Corner automatically. And you can individually click on inner and outer corners without leaving the window and re-entering.
Here’s the video: Round Corner and Fillet Round Corner
Also, I covered Fillet Round Corner in a previous post here for those who missed it. In this video I show how to design a file folder shape using this handy function: Designing a File Folder
As always, post if you have any questions!
by Sandy McCauley | Apr 15, 2009 | Array, Designing, File Extensions, File Import, Flourishes - Designing, Free Videos, GSD Files, GST Files, KNK, MAXX, Outlining Images, Print and Cut, Reducing Nodes, Round Corner, Sign Blank, Toolbars, Welding
Today I’m covering TWO topics that have been brought up by customers. The first is importing the GST template files that come with Craft Robo’s RoboMaster, Silhouette RoboMaster, and Wishblade Advance 3.0. The other is importing GSD files into KNK Studio.
With the GST files, we’ve had great success with the imports. I’m sure it has to do with how they are originally created but they all seem to work. Even the GST files purchased from Quickutz through their Silhouette software will import readily once the file extension is changed to a GSD. Here’s the video showing you how to do this:
Importing GST Files into KNK Studio
However, the GSD’s that are created from the umpteen different ways possible: manually drawn in various versions of RoboMaster, auto-traced in various versions of RoboMaster, imported from Inkscape, imported from Adobe Illustrator, imported from Win PC Sign, etc, all yield variations and only some will successfully import. However, it’s always worth trying the import before using one of the several conversion methods. But you have to watch out… sometimes it will import and not seem to be there or will only partially import, or will import with gaps in the vector paths.
So the following video shows you 6 different circumstances you might encounter when importing GSD’s. If you find something else quirky happening, be sure to send me the file. I’m happy to have a look and maybe I’ll learn something else to share here.
Importing GSD Files into KNK Studio
by Sandy McCauley | Nov 19, 2008 | Free Videos, Line Style, Round Corner, Spider Web - Designing a, Welding
The next few posts here will all be updates to previous posts based on receiving new information from different guys reading my blog. Thus, this is called my Thanks, Guys Series.
On October 2, I presented a video on converting a single line stick figure into a cuttable object and on October 14, I presented a video on how to design your own spider web. In both of these videos I used Transform>Round Corner to convert single lines in a drawing to 2D images that can be welded and cut.
A guy at CADLink contacted Chad at Accugraphic to let him know that there was a faster way to achieve the same results I was showing in those two videos. You use the Line Style window to create a Thick Style attribute, apply a Make Path and then a Basic Weld.
Spider Web Part 2
Two things I forgot to include in the video: Go to View and make sure Show Line Style is checked. Now this isn’t critical to the success of the method but without Show Line Style turned on, when you leave the Line Style window, your images will appear as thin lines again and you will think you did something wrong. Of course, it’s kind of fun to actually leave Show Line Style turned off and then go ahead and perform the Make Path and Basic Weld and watch your single line image turn into a thick welded object right before your eyes!
The other thing I forgot to mention in the video is that you have a choice in how your lines appear. There won’t be a big difference in the appearance but definitely try clicking on the End Cap choices and also the Sharp vs Rounded vs Mitered choices to view the effects on your image. The following screen shot shows the location of these settings in the Line Style window:
So, this is definitely an excellent alternative to using Round Corner, especially when you have closed paths in your images. Check in soon for the next post in the “Thanks, Guys! Series. ”
by Sandy McCauley | Oct 25, 2008 | Array, Circles, Orange Slices - Designing, Ordering Objects, Round Corner
What I thought was a somewhat trivial blog post yesterday became far more interesting after receiving some member input from the Yahoo groups. Two things came to light:
- The circle divide can be used to create citrus slices
- I could have made the task a lot easier by using the Layout>Array function! (Duh me!)
So, here’s Part 2… no video, but if you watched yesterday’s video, just stop after you create the first wedge and rotate it manually until it’s in a vertical position like this:
Next, go to Layout>Array and select On Arc With Rotation from the drop down menu on the Smart Bar. Set your Start and End at 0 and 360. Don’t worry about the next setting (Arc Radius) quite yet. Just start clicking on Total and then you can go back and increase or decrease Arc Radius so that the wedges are spaced exactly the way you want. When you’re happy with the look, click on Close and then delete the original wedge in the middle:
Now, let’s make it look more like an orange slice. Select the wedges and color them orange. Then go to Transform>Round Corner and play with the setting until you achieve the amount of roundness on the corners that will make it look more like a real orange:

Lastly, just add a yellow circle to the back and another orange circle to the back. If you’re not familiar with the ordering hot keys: Ctrl-L moves an image back one position and Ctrl-B moves it to the very back; Ctrl-U moves an image forward one position and Ctrl-F moves it to the very front. And here’s the final product:

by Sandy McCauley | Oct 14, 2008 | Free Videos, Polyarc, Round Corner, Spider Web - Designing a

Today’s free video is a gift to all of you who enjoy decorating for Halloween. I show in this video how to design your own spider web. It’s amazingly easy to do and this method offers total freedom in how uniform or how crazy you want your web to look! I even have an “oops moment” in the video that I decided to just leave in, because it’s something that may happen to you during the design and I wanted you to see how to fix it. 🙂
Designing Your Own Spider Web
As always, let me know if you have any questions!
by Sandy McCauley | Oct 2, 2008 | File Import, Free Videos, Round Corner
One of my customers, Kylee, contacted me with a file of a stick man that she wanted to be able to cut out. She had obtained a file from a friend in Brazil and the image was made up of mostly single lines that wouldn’t actually be cut out pieces if you sent it directly to a cutter. In other words, Kylee needed to go from the figure on the left to the figure on the right.

I show, in today’s video, the complete process used to convert Kylee’s Stick Man, i.e. how to use the Round Corner function in KNK Studio to convert single lines to actual closed shapes that can then be welded together to create a single die cut.
If you’re not into stick people, this same process can be used in other applications, such as designing your own rickrack.
The complete steps for this process are covered in the “36 Tidbits Not in the User Manual” video I sell at: