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About Sandy McCauley
Digital Die Cutting: More fun than anyone should have with a piece of paper... or vinyl, cardstock, plastic, fabric, HTV, foil, wood veneer, magnetic sheets, reflective film, balsa, and more!

Purpose of I Love KNK.com

This web site provides support, comparisons, videos, drivers, test settings, and other information related to the StarCraft SOLO, Skycut and Klic-N-Kut digital die cutters, as well as various cutter software programs.

If you are just now learning about cutters, check out the Skycut demo videos. These are amazing cutters!

If you are a current SOLO, Skycut, or KNK owner and need some help, check out the Support section of this site.

My Store

I am affiliated with a number of different cutter-related businesses. Click on the Shop tab to select one of interest to you.


Need some inspiration? Check out the Team KNK blog where talented KNK owners present never-before-published creations made with their cutters.

Click here to read another testimonial.

Copic Certification

Copic Boot Camp


March 2025

Papers and Pixels


  1. Sandy McCauley

    I would recommend the Eagle since it has some extra cutting force that you’ll need when cutting denser materials.

  2. Dee

    Hi Sandy

    I am from South africa and I’m planning to purchase a KNK machine. Which should I go for, the Maxx or Eagle? I will be making gift tags, cards, chipboard cut-outs, material cut-outs and more.


  3. Sandy McCauley

    Yes… you can use Version 8 of KNK Studio with your KNK Element cutter. There is an instruction file with the download files and it will explain what to do. You can purchase blades for your Element here:


  4. Karla

    Hi, I have the KNK Elements, I need to know where to buy blades and if the version 8 software is for this machine.


  5. Sandy McCauley

    My name is Sandy, not Emily! I think you picked up “Emily” from the last person who posted here. 🙂

    Anyhow, any of the KNK’s will be able to handle cutting the thin magnet materials. And either KNK Studio or Make The Cut will also work for designing stencils. I’ll email you additional information!

  6. David Johnston

    Hi Emily,

    It was great to find you. I want to make simple magnetic stencils .15mm about 15 inches x 40 inches. Can you recommend a cutter and what design software would I need?
    I am going to buy your video as soon as this is sent.

  7. Sandy McCauley

    I’ll contact you, Emily!

  8. Emily

    Hello, I have pulled out my KNK Elements from storage (moved years ago and well…) Anyway first thank you for the software 8 download and the Win 7 64 but driver video and driver download. Machine is at least hooked up and the computer sees it.

    Q. I am trying to find replacement blades and other blades you talk about in your videos and have an extremely hard time finding supplies for the KNK Elements. The main web site that use to be around is gone.

    So… can you give me some links for where to purchase supplies for the KNK? BLADES espcecially, mats, vinyl and adhesive like you mention in your videos..

  9. Sandy McCauley

    If you click on that link for Version 8, you’ll see an instruction file. It covers how to get Version 8 downloaded, installed, and working with your dongle. Plus it also covers everything that is different in Version 8.

  10. Nicole Gruidl

    Hi Sandy
    I bought my KNK from you more than 3 years ago. I see that there is a more recent Studio 8 available. Mine is 7.1 revision 1 at the moment. What can I do to get the latest version and what is different on this version than the one I have?
    Thank you so much,

  11. Sandy McCauley

    You can buy the things you need from KNK USA or other KNK dealers. What all did you get with it? Did you get cables? Blade holders of any kind? Is the KNK a yellow one or a white one? If the seller didn’t provide the KNK Studio dongle, then you will need to buy a software package of some kind and I can help you with that. Email me at smccauley45@cox.net and we’ll go over your options based on what you plan to cut.

  12. Robin Bucholz

    I bought a used knk. I believe it is a 2007 model. The book says that. I need to get mats for it, and blades, etc. Also need software for some one else and it did not come with a doggle. Do I need one for it? It has the manual, but the seller said it doesnt need the doggle. Just software. I do need mats, and blades and other things. Do you sell these items?
    Thank you
    Robin Bucholz

  13. Sandy McCauley

    Hi Judy, As stated on the Quick Start Guide and in the Zing User Manual, you need to install from the CD but you do NOT have to use that activation pin… you can sell that! : ) OR… you can now go to the MTC Forum and the latest MTC version and Zing Plug-in are there for you to download.

  14. Judy Krueger


    Just got my Zing installed and went to use the pen to draw the arrow and when I go to cut the option for the Zing does not come up. I had already MTC installed, have had this for a long time and did not install the new disc..What am I doing wrong and does the new disk have to be installed. ?? Please help me!!!Looking forward to using my new machine…

  15. Sandy McCauley

    After a server crash, they decided to rebuild their store using new software… it will take some time to get all of the products reloaded. A few things are back up, including Zing supplies, rhinestone supplies and some of the blades for the Maxx.

  16. JJ

    Most pages on http://www.knkusa.com are broken. Do you know what’s up?

  17. Sandy McCauley

    Hi Julie,

    Check the following things which can cause skewing of the mat: (1) Do you have the mat all the way to the right side of the machine, aligned with the right endcap? (2) Is your blade set so that it is not cutting into the mat (3) Are you using the Maxx mat versus a thinner mat of some kind? (4) What is your cutting speed and US speed? You may need to decrease both of them to about 100 for multi-pass cutting.

    Also, if you are cutting chipboard or some other dense material, I recommend getting some strong magnets to sit on your flatbeds in the front and the back so that the mat has no room to skew. The ones I use when cutting chipboard are sold here:


  18. Julie

    Hi Sandy,
    I have a KNK maxx cutter which I love but I’m having problems when I do multicuts on the same project it is moving about a 1mm off the original cut line so if I multicut three times I have three different cuts on the same project. Do you have any suggestions. I don’t use my cutter to it full potential but time is the problem to learn how to do different things.
    Regards Julie

  19. Sandy McCauley

    Yes! In fact, what’s really nice is that you can insert most pens into the Zing directly and use them! There’s no special holder or special pens to purchase. 🙂

    With both the Silh Studio software and MTC, you must vectorize your images first but both programs have that capability.

  20. Jane from Oz

    Hi Sandy
    Could you tell me with the new Zing will I be able to import my digital images into MTC, and then both draw and cut them? In other words will there be pens available like I can do with my current cutter?

    Thank you

    I am tossing up between the Silhouette Cameo and the KNK Zing

  21. Sandy McCauley

    Hi again, Amir,

    You shouldn’t be losing ANY accuracy using EPS or PDF. In my experience, both formats will import into our software and maintain the exact sizing as the original images.

    Also, it’s my understanding that both Accugraphic and your dealer are working the skewing issue with you. And your dealer will be meeting with you in a day or two? That’s your best bet… to have your dealer there to see what’s happening with the material you are attempting to cut.

    One thing I use when cutting really difficult materials like chipboard are two magnets on my flatbeds to keep the mat aligned during cutting. I don’t know if you can find similar magnets where you live, but they work great:


    As long as you keep them away from the bottom of the KNK, they are safe to use.

  22. Amir

    Hi Sandy,
    Thanks for the replay,

    1. Sorry to hear that I can not import DWG files into KNK Studio current version.
    By converting DWG to files accepted by KNK Studio (pdf, ai eps etc) I am “loosing” a lot of processing time as well as accuracy.

    2. I tried both ways: cutting mat against the right end cap and cutting mat away from both caps.
    Either way I get an off-set.
    Machine setting Velocity=50 Force=255
    I lowered the Us from 300 to 200 – unfortunately same results – offset on the second pass.

    Can I upload to the blog some images of the testing results?

    Thank you Sandy !


  23. Sandy McCauley

    Sorry Amir, for the delay!

    1. I would guess that the DWG files are possibly a later version than what ACS/KNK Studio can import. Do you have other export options? I know that ACS/KNK Studio tends to successfully import .PDF and .EPS vector files successfully.

    2. Do you have the cutting mat all the way to the right, touching the far right end cap. Also, what is your cutting speed? You may need to reduce it and reduce the US speed (refer to Step4 page 8 of the user manual… try making it 200 or 250).

    If you continue to have problems, let me know and I’ll get hold of your dealer and let them know my suggestions so they can learn themselves and help future customers.

  24. Amir

    Hi Sandy,

    Any suggestion on the problems I am facing with my new Eagle24”?
    1. KNK Studio dose not import DWG files
    2. When repeating a job the first path (cut) is off-set from the second path (cut) (see post above)
    Thank you.

  25. Amir

    Sorry for the late replay,
    The Eagle dealer involved is Massimo from Shop-N-Scrap.
    I purchase the machine in South Africa.
    I would like to add one more issue I am facing:
    I am trying to import a DWG file into KNK Studio – But I get an error message saying “This filter not designed for Autocad DWG files” I tried the 3 option of Importing DWG and I got the same message every time. Any suggestions?



  26. Sandy McCauley

    Hi Amir,

    I can provide several solutions, but first I want to get your Eagle dealer involved in this. Where did you purchase your Eagle?

  27. Amir

    Five days ago I bought new Eagle 24”, installed the KNK Studio software and made some drawing and cutting tests. The main problem I am facing is when I press the “Repeat” bottom on the machine (for the second pass – trying to cut thick material) the blade does not follow the same path as the first pass! The material is attached to the mat with extra strong tape (industrial type) and the mat is clamped with the 4 wheel clamps. – any idea what can be the problem?


  28. Sandy McCauley

    Accugraphic will call CADLink about this tomorrow. For now, please just wait. I’ll follow up on Wednesdayl

  29. Deborah Cannon

    I just installed a new hard drive with windows 7 and now I can’t seem to get my ACS design studio software to load. I keep getting a message that drive which has the dongle in it needs to be reformatted.

    Any little secrets I need to know? is my dongle corrupted?
    or is there something else I need to download for Windows 7?



  30. Sandy McCauley

    The new Zing will probably be perfect for you. It’s not yet released by will be soon. Where are you located?

  31. Rhonda

    Is it possible to actually see a personal demo of this machine in use. Our church is wanting to purchase one for the children’s department and would like to see it in action. We will be doing high volumes of cutting and were wondering if this is the right machine for us. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  32. Yvette Kapp

    Hi Sandy,
    My name is Yvette and I live in Pretoria,South-Africa. I bought a knk about a week ago and I have not been on a course yet. But know I need to cut and print tags for a school for their matric farewell dance before Monday,20/06/11. I have created the tags with the names to be printed on the tags, but just can’t figure out how to cut and print the tags.I need help urgently, and my dealer where I purchased the knk is not getting back to me!
    I would really appreciate your help.
    Thanx, regards

  33. Danielle

    On COM6. Then I changed on the klic-n-kut studio to port COM6 also. Is that right? thank you again.

  34. Sandy McCauley

    Okay… and what COM Port was assigned by Windows Device Manager?

  35. Danielle

    I changed the baud rate on the machine to 57600. On the computer and on the klic-n-kut studio maxx.

  36. Danielle

    Sandy sorry to bother you again but I am from Brazil and have no support here. I installed and was recognized. But when I press cut, the machine does not respond. I followed all the steps correctly to the manual for the initial test, but when I press cut does not show any sign. It’s calibrated and ready to use the pen. Thanks for your help.

  37. Sandy McCauley

    Great!!! Glad to hear you have the two talking to one another now. : )

  38. Danielle

    Thank you, the second video got the problem!

  39. Sandy McCauley

    There’s a second video called Resolving 64Bit Driver Problems… have you gone through that one yet? It’s in the same folder as the first one:


  40. Danielle

    Sandy,I tried installing the 64 bit driver for widows7 as shown in the video but still do not accept and continues with the exclamation point. What to do? thank you

  41. Sandy McCauley

    You will need to read this post and then, if you are still having problems after going through the list, contact your original dealer for assistance. The solution may be to get a mat cut for the exact dimensions of your opening:


  42. Rose Gross

    Sandy I am up and running but know my mat is not staying in place it seems to be the left side like it is not tight to keep it in place I am using a new mat and my pressure is at 340. I tried to screw the screws on the back but didn’t seem to make a differance any suggestions. Please excuse the spelling not my best subject Thanks Rose

  43. Rose Gross

    I am running 64 windows

  44. Sandy McCauley

    You won’t need cables, but you will need to install the newest driver possibly. Are you running 32bit or 64bit Windows 7?

  45. Rose Gross

    Sandy thank you for getting back to me so quick I spoke with Chad and he going to email the numbers I need but I do have another question I am running windows 7 and I was wondering if I need the power cords to make the cutter work? I am in hopes the new download with take care of that problem am I right

  46. Sandy McCauley

    Hi Rose, Not to worry! The important thing is that you have the dongle, right? Just send me an email with the dongle number… the number ending in “H” and I’ll get license files regenerated for you. Email me privately so that I know which email address to use. Thanks!

  47. Rose Gross

    Sandy I don’t know where else to turn but I can’t get my elements to cut I lost the cd and now I don’t know how to get the product lcf and product ini I did download the software that you said too. I am very frustraded. any help at all would be wonderful thank.

  48. Alma-Marie Graf

    I’m looking to get a KNK machine, but I’m on a MAC and I do not want to use parallel software. I’m told I can use Flexistarter, but I do not know the cost and set up. Will I use this instead of the software that comes with the machine? I’m looking towards the 24″ only because I own a cricut expression, but I never really cut over 12″. Will I be able to teach myself this machine? I want to be able to cut anything instead of using carts. Thanks.

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