(1) User Manuals:
There are two different user manuals: one is based on Sure Cuts a Lot software and the other is based on Make The Cut software.
(2) Videos and Misc. Tutorials Support:
Videos for Learning Your KNK Maxx Air
Make The Cut Videos
KNK/ACS Studio Videos
Replacing the Laser Light
Fixing Sticky Buttons on the Control Panel
Replacing the Belt
Bluetooth Failure after Windows 10 Update
(3) Getting Help:
If you have a problem with your new Maxx Air:
(4) User Forums and Groups:
The following groups are available for posting questions about your new Maxx Air and sharing experiences:
KNK Maxx Yahoo Group
Klic-N-Kut Yahoo Group
(5) Latest Suggested Test Cut Settings:
IMPORTANT: These settings should be used for the initial tests. Adjustments may be necessary based on the condition of the blade, variations in the material, humidity, condition of the cutting mat, blade tip height, etc.
Suggested Cut Settings for KNK Maxx Air – July 18, 2017
Suggested Accessory Settings for KNK Maxx Air – February 25, 2014
(6) MTC Support:
Make The Cut Yahoo Group
Make The Cut Forum