Zing and Zing Air User Manuals

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Sure Cuts A Lot:

The following KNK Zing / Zing Air with Sure Cuts A Lot User Manual January 30,2018 Version reflects SCAL 4.069.

Chapters 1, 2, 11 and 12 are specific to the KNK Zing and Zing Air. Chapters 3 – 10 are SCAL only and will be useful to all owners of SCAL 4 software. Note that you may need to refresh your browser to see the latest version. Also, this user manual is over 300 pages and will require some time to appear in your browser.

Zing and Zing Air with SCAL User Manual

29 de enero de 2018 Capítulos 1 – 9, 11

KNK Zing Manual del Usuario en español – SCAL

Make The Cut:

The following KNK Zing / Zing Air with Make-The-Cut Interactive User Manual February 28, 2014 Version reflects MTC 4.6.1. Note that you may need to refresh your browser to see the latest version. Also, this user manuals is over 200 pages and will require some time to appear in your browser.

Chapters 1, 2, 9 and 10 are specific to the KNK Zing and Zing Air. Chapters 3 – 8 are Make The Cut only and will be useful to all owners of Make The Cut software.

Zing and Zing Air with MTC User Manual (this is a large file; allow time to open!)

Octubre 2017

KNKZing con MTC-Impresión y Corte.pdf

Octubre 2015

KNK Zing Manual del Usuario en español – MTC