Page 239 - Klic-N-Kut User Manual
P. 239

Appendix A Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Icon Description Menu, Other Location
Standard Functions

Ctrl+N Open a new file/project File>New or Tab bar

Ctrl+O Open an existing .mtc file/project File>Open
Ctrl+S Save a file/project File>Save

Ctrl+Shift+P Print File>Print
Ctrl+Z / Ctrl Y Undo last action / Redo last action Edit>Undo / Edit>Redo

Ctrl+F6 Go to next window/project Top left icon in Menu Bar
Ctrl+Tab Go to next window/project Window>Next Window

Ctrl+F4 Close current project Top left icon in Menu Bar
Alt+F4 Close all projects and MTC, as well

Viewing and Zooming Tools
Ctrl+3 Zoom to Virtual Mat View>Zoom To>Mat
Ctrl+4 Zoom to All Shapes on Screen View>Zoom To>All

1 Zoom to 100% View>Zoom To>100%
2 Zoom to 20% View>Zoom To>20%
Moves display to selected shape(s), keeps current zoom
3 View>Zoom To>Selected
4 Zoom to 300% View>Zoom To>300%
5 , 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 Zoom to 500%, 600%, 700%, 800%, 900%, 1000% View>Zoom To>500% … 1000%
Press + (or - ) key on the numeric keypad; icons
+ or - Zoom in or Zoom out
on File Toolbar
D Display textures while other shapes are selected
Roll mouse wheel Move workspace up and own

Ctrl+roll mouse wheel Zoom in and out, centered on location of mouse cursor
Spacebar+drag left Pan workspace
mouse button
Ctrl+Shift+I Toggle the showing of nodes for selected shapes Edit>Shape Magic>Advanced>Nodes On Mat

Selecting Shapes
Ctrl+A Select all Edit>Select All

Shift+Esc Select next shape Edit>Previous Shape
Shift+Tab Select previous shape Edit>Next Shape
Esc Select none Edit>Select None
Shift Hold Shift and click on shapes to add to selection

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