Page 123 - Klic-N-Kut User Manual
P. 123

Resample Image and
Despeck will be used
just as they were in Click on the Color Scans tab.
Select the number of colors
Option for changing how to be identified
layers are constructed

Option to remove internal paths
from outline layer of image
For PNG files, the
Option to convert to Background Color can
be modified, if desired
shades of gray only

 The first step is to select the number of colors you want to scan. Always include white in the count. To see
the original imported image, hold the right mouse button over the preview:

Hold right mouse
button to see
original image and
count colors

Change number of colors
or accept default of 8 to
see what gets traced

Click on Apply Changes
to see results of current

 In many cases, you might want to just go ahead and check the tracing results if the default Count of 8 is
used. Before deciding any particular Count seems okay, be sure to check the number of shapes. In this
case it shows 113:

Tracing around the
flames needs to be

Preview of traced
image on Virtual Mat

Number of Shapes

   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125   126   127   128