Page 127 - Klic-N-Kut User Manual
P. 127

 Now, move the White layer aside so that you can edit out everything but the bee’s wings. Use Break so that
individual paths can be selected:

The only parts to keep are the
four sections of the bee’s wings
and a small section between the
steam and leaf of the flower.

White layer

 After breaking and deleting, those five white parts can be rejoined and added back to the image:

Stack Scans

 The Stacked Scans feature affects what parts of the image are traced and assigned to each layer. In
certain printing applications, it would be advisable to have this function checked when doing a pixel trace in
order to get a higher quality result for the printout. On the other hand, for most paper piecing applications,
you wouldn’t want to use this because you might miss out on specific parts you want to cut out. The easiest
way to understand how this feature affects the tracing is to just look at what happens. The following
example, in which a well-known logo will be traced, shows the effect of Stack Scans:

 After tracing the layers are separated. Note the differences in what is created:

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