Page 139 - Klic-N-Kut User Manual
P. 139

 This time, instead of getting two individual shapes, we end up with six (one for each parent path plus one for
each inner set of child paths). The difference is that that two inner child paths inside the letter “B”, remain
joined as one shape:

The three parent paths are
three shapes

The two child paths of the letter The two child paths of “o”
“B” are now one single shape and “b” are the final two


 The Blackout function deletes all child paths from their parent paths.
 After selecting a shape that contains one or more child paths, the Blackout function can be accessed in any
of the following ways:

 Click on the Blackout icon on the Magic Toolbar

 Press Ctrl+R
 Right click on the screen and choose Shape Magic>Blackout from the menu
 Go to Edit>Shape Magic>Blackout.

 In the prior “Bob” example, it doesn’t matter if you have Split the text into individual letters or the text is still
one shape, the same result occurs using Blackout. The inner child paths are deleted:

Before applying

After applying All child paths are
Blackout deleted.

 What happens if there are nested child paths?

Before applying Blackout:

Rings have been
joined together to 4 individual circles
create one shape. stacked

2 shapes (an inner
ring and an outer ring)

After applying Blackout:
Nothing happens
All of the child because these individual
paths are deleted circles do not have child

Each ring loses its

child path

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