Page 196 - Klic-N-Kut User Manual
P. 196
Rotate the tail to line up with and overlap the whale body. Apply the Weld tool:
Lock the Aspect Ratio and resize the triangle size to about 1.1”. Insert nodes on each side as shown. Then
drag top node to the left:
Insert a node about Insert a node Drag top
node to the
1/3 of the way from about ¼ of the left
top of path: way from top
of path:
Curve paths outwards to form fin:
curve Drag Fin is
curve formed
Rotate the fin, overlap onto the whale’s body and apply the Weld tool:
Resize the other Yin Yang section to a width of 1". Using the Knife tool, slice in the middle and delete the
top piece, join the two nodes together this is the flapper:
Select the whale and apply a Shadow Layer (with blackout selected). Then arrange the flapper on top:
To add some splashes, start with additional tear shapes, resize to make thinner, and apply Warping or
other method of distorting the shape. Rotate and arrange under the whale to complete the design: