Page 84 - Klic-N-Kut User Manual
P. 84

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Currently- Click to only show products
selected you’ve already purchased.

Click on down arrow to
open drop down menu of
other products at
Lettering Delights. Note
that if you click on the
Star icon above, only
products you’ve
purchased will be

 The Lettering Delights cutting files you own will be displayed in alphabetical order by Collection Name. If
you wish to change the sorting order to Sort by Date Added, go to Help>Advanced>Advanced Settings,
and select the other option under Sort Lettering Delights:

Sort order menu for
Lettering Delights products

 When working with Sort by Collection Name, if you know the name of a particular LD product, you can
type the first letter and you will be taken to the products which begin with that letter. This allows you to more
quickly scroll through the products.

 Once you have selected a Lettering Delights product, double click on any image and a window will open
where you can choose to go to the Lettering Delights’ web site to purchase this particular product. The
shapes in that product package will then be available to download directly into MTC in the future, when you
log into your account.

 The following example shows a collection of clipart called “Arizona Grand Canyon State” that has been
found at the Lettering Delights site, but has not yet been purchased. You can see the images contained in
this collection and, upon double clicking any of the images, a window will open:

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