Page 174 - Klic-N-Kut User Manual
P. 174

8.06 Weld Tool

 The Weld tool removes the overlap between two or more selected shapes. After selecting the shapes, it can
be applied in any of the following ways:

 Click on the Weld icon on the Magic Toolbar.

 Press Ctrl+W
 Right click on the screen and select Shape Magic>Weld
 Go to Edit>Shape Magic>Weld.

Designing a Balloon

 In Section 5.03, the Weld tool was used to remove the overlap with lettering. It can also be used to design
everyday items from basic shapes:

Circle, heart, triangle Overlap shapes Apply Weld (Magic Toolbar) Result: Balloon

Designing a Border

 Another use of the Weld tool is in designing borders. First create the shape to be repeated. A circle with a
smaller circle near the top is created. Apply the Join (Ctrl+J) function to make the two circles into a single

Add 2 circles from Resize one and Select both and
Basic Shapes place near the top of apply Ctrl+J to Join
the other

 Select the shape and use Ctrl+D to initiate the Duplicate function:

Enter 1 Row, 12 or more Columns,
and a negative value for Spacing so
the shapes will overlap

Click on Apply when done

 Add a long rectangle to overlap the bottom and then apply the Weld tool to the selected shapes:

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