Page 208 - Klic-N-Kut User Manual
P. 208

Mat dimensions should
match printout

Import an arrow and
verify it faces to the

 Notice that the arrow is pointing to the right on the screen. Make sure your arrow is also pointed to the right!
 Next, go to File>Print Setup, select the printer you plan to use, and set the Orientation to Portrait:

Select your printer

Verify paper size Choose Portrait

Click on OK when done

 Next, go to File>Print Options and mark the following boxes:

Check these three options

Check this option if you want
an outline only of the arrow Set to 0 as this does not
printed (to save on ink!) apply to KNK cutters.

Option to change color of the image outline
Click on OK when done

 After clicking on OK, you should see the green borders on the Virtual Mat, indicating how the printout will
be placed on the mat and where the arrow will be printed. If the arrow is outside the green borders, move it
so that it falls within the boundaries:

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