Page 56 - Klic-N-Kut User Manual
P. 56

3.06 Opening MTC Files

3.06.1 Opening a New File/Project

 When you launch MTC, a new blank Virtual Mat will appear with a new blank project opened. At any time,
another new project can be opened, in a new window, using any of the following:
 Click the “+” icon on the Tab bar

 Right click on a project tab on the Tab Bar and select New from the menu

 Click on the New icon on the File toolbar
 Press Ctrl+N
 Go to File>New.

3.06.2 Opening an Existing MTC File

 An existing file can be opened into MTC by using any of the following:

 Click on the Open icon on the File toolbar
 Right click on a project tab on the Tab Bar and select Open from the menu
 Press Ctrl+O
 Go to File>Open

 Double click an MTC file in Windows Explorer (refer to Section 3.06.3 for instructions on installing and
using the MTC File Viewer)
 Double click an MTC file attached to an email

 Drag and drop an MTC file into a running instance of MTC
 Import from MTC Gallery (refer to Section 4.02).

 In all cases, a window will open where you can browse to locate the file you wish to open:

Browse to locate folder A preview of the file
shape(s) will appear

Click here to open a window
Click on the file and to display a larger preview
it will appear under of the file shape(s)
File name:
Click on Open and the
saved file will open as a new

 There is also a Basic Shapes library available (Refer to Section 3.08). Plus other file formats (such as .svg,
.eps, and .ai) may be imported into MTC. Refer to Sections 4.01-4.08.
 As you open new projects or existing files, the Tab Bar will show each project:

This project has been saved using the
This project has been saved name shown but the asterisk indicates This is a new project that
that changes have been made since the
using the name shown. file was last saved. hasn’t yet been saved.

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